Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama              : Amelia Putri Liliani
NPM               : 10210607
Kelas               : 4EA18

1.                  Present Tenses
a.      Simple Present Tenses
This tense is used to express something that is permanent, custom or truths. Because often involves events at a time when lamapu, present, and future, the tenses at least have information specific time.
1.      he is handsome (dia tampan)
2.      My father goes to post office.

b.      Present Continuous Tense

This tense is used to express an action that is really being done at this time. The sentences in these tenses is more often used than at present tenses.

1.      She is cooking in the kitchen.
2.      I am speaking english

c.       Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense is a sentence pattern that occurred in the past and is still influential today. Or to show an event that is completed in a short time (just finished)
Consider the following examples of this sentence:

1.      they have met me
2.      I have finished my work.

d.      Present Perfect Continuous Tense
We use this tense to describe:
·         One event / activity that just took place
·         One action that lasted until now (at the time of speech still occur)

Consider the following example sentences:
1.         They have been playing football
2.                  He has been studying  for 3 hours.

2.  Past Tenses ( Waktu Lampau )
a.      Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense is the tense that is used to declare events that happened in the past and the events of the time it has been known.
Consider the following example sentences:
1.      They were student last year
2.      The Doctor went to the hospital yesterday.

b.      Past Continuous Tense
This tense describes an action or event at a specific time in the past.
1.      We were joking.
2.      He was confused in studying grammar yesterday in school.

c.       Past Perfect Tense
This tense expresses action in the past before another action occurs, but it happened in the past.
1.      I had listen the radio when you come here
2.      She had helped her mother after she played a game.

d.      Past Perfect Continuous Tense
These use the same tense Past Perfect Tense, but expresses actions longer in the past before another action occurs.
1.      She had been helping me when they went to scool
2.      Mega had been sleeping for 5 hours before Her father woke up.

3.                  FUTURE TENSES

a.      Simple Future Tense
Simple Future Tense is used to express actions that will occur in the future.
·         No plan or Declare Previous acts / events that will be conducted in the future.. Explain : Hold on. I‘ll get a pen.
·         Prediction, Explain: It will rain tomorrow.

Non-verbal sentences:
When a sentence is not a predicate verb, then use would it be to replace the verb.
• I‘ll be in London tomorrow.

When we have a plan or desire to perform an activity in the future, then use be going to or the Present Continuous Tense to replace will/shall.

b.      Future Continuous Tense
Future Continuous Tense is the tense used to express an event that will be taking place or being done at a certain time in the future.
1.      She will be teaching me at eight tomorrow
2.      I will be studying grammar speaking at 08.00 am in ELFAST.

c.       Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Tense tenses are used to express an event that would have happened or would have completed a certain time when the future.
1.      They will be tired when they arrive.
2.      We shall have arrived in School at 10.00 o’clock.

d.      Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense is the tense used to express an event that would have been taking place in the future in the past.
1.      He will be tired when he arrives. He will have been traveling for 24 hours.
2.      She will have been studying for a while when you come here.

1.      PLURAL
If an object (thing) that amounted to only one (single), then the object is singular (singular). And if there are more than one (a lot), then the object is plural (plural).

Explain Plural:
1.      on my shelf of books stored neatly
2.      dead fish in the river because of a sewage

    If an object (thing) that amounted to only one (single), then the object is singular (singular).
Explain :
1.      he is a student in the gunadarma university
2.      my room is beautiful

Personal Pronoun is a pronoun that is used for people, animals, objects, or a specific thing. Called pronoun pronoun, because it replaces the repeated mention of the noun.
1.      I invite Shelly go to the party.   
2.      I hate this pen. It doesn’t write well.

Possessive Pronoun is a pronoun that serves to indicate ownership. In a sentence, this word can occupy the position as subject, subject complement, or direct object.
1.       I hate my job. Do you hate yours?
2.      Hose aren’t our new uniforms. Those are theirs.

Pronoun reflexive pronoun is used to declare that the subject (a person or animal) receives the action of the verb (reciprocal action) in a clause or sentence.
1.      I‘m going to buy myself new jeans.
2.      The students ate cookies that they cooked by themselves

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